T17-Eagle Scout Project
posted 06/10/20
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Please see the note below regarding Henry Harvesons Eagle Scout Project which is now underway and requires your assistance:
Hey guys, Henry Harveson here. I am putting on my Eagle Scout Project this week and need your help.
Scouts in attendance last night received instructions and fliers used to inform your neighbors on how they can help battle hunger in Fort Worth. For those not in attendance, I plan on stopping by your houses today and dropping off fliers and answering any questions you might have about the project.
In summary, all you have to do is take the fliers and write your name and the date you intend on returning to collect anything left on the porch (June 15-16). Today or tomorrow tape fliers on the doors of houses in your area and in a week go to gather goods left behind. Then at the next meeting, bring the goods with you so I can then take them to the food pantry.
If you have any canned goods you would like to add to your collection would be greatly appreciated. And dont forget to include your grandparents and other family members. The patrol with the most participation/cans will receive a pizza party very soon.
Thanks guys!
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