T17 - Merit Badge Notes
posted 12/11/12
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Merit Badge Notes Attention scouts needing to finish Citizenship in the Nation/World merit badges. Mr. Miller will be at the Scout lodge at 6:30 pm on Tuesday December 11th. This will be a chance to show your progress and finalize any requirements remaining to complete these two Eagle required merit badges. The last meeting to complete the merit badges will be after the holidays in January. If you are unable to make the meeting, please e-mail Mr. Miller to make arrangements to validate your work. Mr. Miller PMMB Scouts, There will not be a formal class this week, however, if I have returned home from my trip, I will be at the Lodge at 7:30. I have only reviewed a few budgets in the past few weeks, if you have not brought your copy for my review please do so. It looks like it may be next month before I am able to have our guest speaker. This should not keep you from working on and finishing all requirements. The deadline to finish ALL requirements is a short two months away. That is all for now. Thank you, Mr. E If you are interested in working on a merit badge, please see Mr. Lyles. He has the full list of MB counselors and can assist you getting in touch with them. Thanks, Mr. Turner
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