T17 - Worth Ranch - Last Call Items
posted 06/06/13
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SHIRTS - You will be receiving an updated registration status for everyone attending Worth Ranch. I need to place our shirt orders in the morning. If your registration status does not show the correct shirt orders, please call me. MEDICAL FORMS Please make every effort to get your medical form turned in at the beginning of the meeting on Tuesday (or drop it by my house before then). The medical director of the camp will be coming by the meeting to approve all our forms in advance so that we do not have to wait in line with hundreds of other Scouts the first day of camp. This includes adults! Merit Badges - if your class schedule is not correct, please contact Mr. Lyles to update it. Payments - if your payment status is not current, please bring a check to the next meeting. Please contact Mr. Peterson if you have other payment questions. IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE A WR REGISTRATION STATUS EMAIL TODAY, PLEASE EMAIL ME AND I WILL PULL ONE FOR YOU. Youth Protection Training - any adult wanting to spend the night at camp with the Troop must have turned in a copy of the "in person" YPT training taken this year or last year. The "online" version will not work for overnight camps or high adventure camps. YPT is valid for 2 years. 9 days and counting until The Big Adventure! Thanks, Mr. Turner
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