T17 - Green Bar Campout for Adults
posted 12/22/16
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Dads of Troop 17 Scouts: The Green Bar camp out on Jan 6th is the training campout for older Scouts. It is also an excellent opportunity for training Adult leaders. While the Scouts are learning how to camp with the BSA method so can you, as a Dad and future adult participant for Troop 17. Learn how Patrols are assembled, how they cook (safely) the proper order of a campout from load up to return home and everything in between. There is always info about the history of Worth Ranch, how and why we have Camp Fire with songs and skits every campout. The cooking and classes are held in Worth Ranchs historic Roeser Hall. On cold weekends this will include its huge fire place (it is always cold for Green Bar). Friday night is a round of midnight golf and Saturday night is movie night. When my son joined 17, I was not familiar with camping, BSA procedures or Troop 17 history and traditions. Thru Green Bar, I increased my confidence in Adult support roles the same as our boys increased their confidence in patrol leadership. I urge each of you Dads to place the week end of Jan 6th and the Green Bar Campout on your list and attend. Your son does not have to be going on this campout for you to go! Let us know if you need camping gear we can get it for you. All Things Scouting John Key
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